fathom events was doing a screening in honor of the thing’s 40th anniversary, and obviously i had to check it out. i can’t pass up an excuse to see one of my favorite movies on the big screen. it’s just not allowed.
but because i’m me, i’ll take basically any excuse to get all autistic about something and read/watch/etc a ton of it at once, so here we are!
who goes there? by john w. campbell jr. (novella 1938)
the group tensed abruptly. an air of crushing menace entered into every man’s body, sharply they looked at each other. more keenly than ever before–is that man next to me an inhuman monster?
the vast majority of this novella is multi-paragraph monologuing by like two or three characters, and it’s occasionally genuinely a bit difficult to imagine everyone else just standing around & listening patiently? especially when blair is the one monologuing. yeesh.
things do get a bit more interesting towards the end of the novella when there’s less talk and more action, but only a bit. honestly, i don’t want to yuck anyone’s yum, but it’s a bit surprising to me that this story developed into not one but two drastically more famous films.
i mean, the premise is obviously inherently interesting, but if you’ve seen the 1982 film adaptation first (which, let’s be honest, you have) the novella just… doesn’t have much to offer you? i actually think the movie improved on its source material to such a degree that the original story is just super underwhelming. c-rank
the thing from another world (movie 1951)
“please doctor, i’ve got to ask this. it sounds like, well, just as though you’re describing some form of super carrot.”
the first time i saw this i gave it quite a bit of leeway because having already seen the 1982 version felt kind of unfair. a rewatch unfortunately didn’t bear that out. it’s not just that the 1982 version is better, this is… just kind of super not great? it feels much longer despite being over 20 minutes shorter, likely owing to its relative lack of characterization and glacial (sorry) pace.
having now read the story both films are based on, i’m actually surprised by how little it has to do with the original story? when i first saw them i figured maybe the 1982 film just drastically expanded upon a rather threadbare story, but actually quite a few details like many of the characters’ names, the general nature of the alien creature, and everyone’s paranoia were lifted right from the novella, though most of them were expanded and improved upon. this version feels like it deserves a “suggested by” credit rather than a “based on” credit.
to end on a positive note, this does portray a couple being slightly kinky, which i didn’t know was even allowed in 1951? so, there is that! c-rank
the thing (movie 1982)
“you don’t wanna hurt anybody!”1
i love scifi/horror, especially from around this period. actually, fuck, i might just be thinking of this and alien. that being said, please please please feel free to recommend me movies with similar vibes and quality if there are such things!!2